Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Business Intelligence and Business Intelligence with Information Technology

If somebody asks you what do you mean by 'Being Intelligent', you would probably say something like being alert, being responsive, being sharp or being active etc etc. And if you search through a few dictionaries for meaning of the word 'being intelligent' they would also talk of something similar.

Now lets talk about Business, If I ask you people what does Business mean, you might probably end up saying something like 'what sort of stupid question is this' , because most of us happen to have some or the other information about business, many people very well understand what business means and how it works, many would have a brief idea about it, many actually do business. But if we decide to do a thorough research on this we might end up developing a whole new theory. But that is not what I want to do now, so lets go back to the point what business means, in general Business is an activity by which people make profit or money for exchange of some goods or services, again I would like to say that there are many definitions of business available if you look online or in books written so far, and it might mean different things to different people, not necessarily money making would be the end objective or meaning of business for all people. But for sure what we can say is that every businessman/women happens to have some target some objective in mind which they would like to accomplish at the completion of a business transaction or activity.

So now what if we combine both the topics  I discussed earlier Intelligent person/system and Business, logically combination of both should be a business intelligent person's/system's. And that is exactly what I want to focus on. Business Intelligent people and systems. Business has been in existence since a very long time probably since the existence of mankind itself and as years passed as human kind evolved business has also evolved and so have the ways of doing business. So in the past as well concept of business intelligent people/business intelligence existed.

Now lets talk about the current scenario, currently Business Intelligence in general is a term used to combinely refer Business Intelligent resources that drive business growth or help and organization or individual achieve certain goals and objectives. Resources could be people, software systems, hardware systems, organizations, methods, theories, procedures etc.

We all know since the time Information Technology evolved a lot of things have changed, so has business and ways of doing business. Information Technology is being widely used these days by almost all the businesses, but not all the technologies being used by businesses serve the purpose of Business-Intelligence. So basically Information Technologies that can gather, process, and analyse huge unstructured/structured data and help an organization in achieving meaningful Business-Insight are known as Business Information System / Business Intelligence Systems. Almost all the major IT firms like Oracle, SAP, Microsoft, IBM have their own business information systems in place for business houses. Some of the most popular ones are OBIEE, SAP-BI, Microsoft-BI, IBM-Cognos, etc.

So on my blog over here we would be learning and understanding a few of them, Initially I'll be starting with the basic data-warehousing/data-mining concepts and then eventually we will see some of the popular BI tools and technologies being used these days. So stay tuned..... :) 

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